11 October, 2007

My class blogs

Hello fellow bloggers. Here is the link to my 8am class blog, and here is the link to my 9am class blog. You will notice a few things right off the bat about these blogs: first, my 8am students have been much more "on the ball" with posting regularly; second, my 9am students have made some interesting posts for discussion in class about online etiquette and grammar expectations; third, none of my students have cared to link out to other websites or weblogs, despite my efforts and prodding.

However, the second half of the class has begun now in earnest, and the emphasis in their writing will be shifting more toward engaging with the outside world. So, I'm hopeful that more frequent posting and at least a respectable amount of linking will follow. I'm also considering requiring students to link out at least in their front-page group posts, now that they have their legs under them as far as the basic blogger apparatus goes.


Tira said...

I like your color choices! (especially the 8am) Also, they are very nicely organized. I like the questions your students are putting up. Did you suggest this? It looks like your 9am has had some interesting discussions (from just a quick glance), though I seriously wouldn't know which class is posting more and who is supposed to post how many times, etc. (since I can't even figure that out for my own class sometimes!)
PS--I just re-read the entire blog for my class (over my conference week, this last week) and I think things are starting to shape up. Mine may be too directed right now, but my students are now free to write about whatever they want for the next couple weeks, so we'll see what happens!

Andrew Hatcher said...

Glad you like the blog designs - I've slaved over them, let me tell you.
I also have been impressed with the questions and thoughts my students have come up with for the posts. This week I am requiring groups from my 9am class to post on an article or blog that they link out to in their post, so we'll see how that goes. I'll be interested, as well, to see how your class does with free-for-all blogging!